We have pre-installed some packages in our JupyterLab environment.
Listing them all and keeping them up to date would go beyond the scope
of this article. The respective commands are listed below, with which
you can obtain a detailed list of packages yourself.
Supported languages
- Bash
- Fortran
- C / C++
- Gnuplot
- Graphviz
- Go
- Java
- Javascript (Node.js)
- Octave
- Prolog
- Python 3
- R
- Racket
- Ruby
List of Important Packages
- Cartopy
- Keras
- Matplotlib
- Numpy
- Nvidia CUDA 12
- Nvidia cuDNN
- Pandas
- RStudio
- SciPy
- STATA (see: How do I use STATA?)
- Tensorflow
- Visual Studio Code
CLI Tools
- cargo
- gcc / g++
- git (incl. annex, lfs)
- htop
Detailed List of Packages
To obtain a detailed list of installed packages, enter the following commands into the terminal:
System packages:
apt list --installed
pip list
R --no-save <<< "p<-as.data.frame(installed.packages()[,c(1,3:4)]);p[2]"