Error: Login failed

If you cannot log in to the central login service, there are only a few reasons:

  • You are not using the correct user account/password combination:
    • User account: Make sure that the spelling of the username is correct and that you are using it with your login details. The username always consist of three letters and four digits.
    • Password: If you have lost your password, you can initiate the process to recover your user account via the central user account management portal. To do this, click on "Forgotten your user ID or password?".
  • There is a problem with your user account:
    • If there are too many failed login attempts, your user ID will be blocked globally for a few minutes. In this case, simply wait.
    • Your user ID is no longer valid.
  • The service is disrupted:
    In this case, simply wait. Check the latest news.

We are not responsible for these problems and we do not have access to the relevant systems. Please contact the ServiceLine of the Regional Computer Center.